First of all, I got locked out of my blog for days. It was so sad. I visited it, but couldn’t get in. It was like being locked out of my own house, but still being able to look in the window. WordPress wasn’t all that helpful until I figured out myself what the problem was. Anyway, all is well and my three readers must be relieved too. I’M BACK, GUYS!

So even though my husband is having his varicocele repair surgery on Friday and we aren’t really “trying” at the moment, I decided to continue taking my temperature and sort of loosely charting.

Side note: I went back on caffeine, and then acted like a heinous douche to my husband several times – where something triggered me, a small annoyance, and I had to turn it into a HUGE, monumental situation that I couldn’t get over. So despite the fact that we’re not “trying” at the moment, I am back off of caffeine.

Anyway, I started to sense my “fertility signs” picking up a couple of days ago and today I decided to pee on a stick. Sure enough, there was a surge! I am going to do it with my husband tonight.

This is meaningful for a number of reasons:  First of all, I am ovulating on my own. Secondly, I am ovulating around day 17, not day 45 or whatever is typical for me.  Third, wouldn’t it be amazing if we got pregnant au natural the night before his surgery?

I don’t want to get too worked up about it – our chances are nearly nil, but what the hell? I am going to use some Preseed to help his swimmers get through and then leave it up to biology from there… I haven’t told him about this plan. I just intend to seduce him tonight.  Penises  seem to work better that way:  aroused and unsuspecting.
